Tuesday, February 14, 2017

"How Small We Are in the Scale of the Universe?" by Yukai Du

This informational video was designed by Yukai Du, and was made for TED-Ed. It's simple and stylized, but it manages to capture the complexity of the subject matter. Du's simplified style, colorful transitions, and sweeping motion softens the hard edges of science and makes it approachable, with is perfect for the classroom settings that TED-Ed is intended to be used for. The Behance page for this project is a wonderful example of all of the effort and passion that had to go into making it.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Justice League: The Final Frontier Opening Sequence

This is the opening credit sequence for the Warner Brothers animated feature, Justice League: The New Frontier, based off of the graphic novel by the late Darwyn Cooke. The opening credits are a tribute, I feel, to the Saul Bass style of motion design, as the period in which the movie and book are set (the 1950s) would have been the beginning of Bass' heyday. I'm not sure whether this credit sequence falls under the umbrella of animation, since it does tell a story, or motion design, but I enjoy every second of it.